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Uranium Boom: Alaska’s Next Big Power Play – Exclusive with Panther CEO Rob Birmingham

FULL DISCLOSURE: The Market Mindset has been hired by Omni8 Communications Inc. on behalf of Panther Uranium to prepare market awareness content for Panther Uranium.


Location, Location, Location

160 km to Nome, 30 km to coastal town of Elim Easy Air Access from Nome or Elim  Air Strip on property and Established Trail from Camp to Deposit

Boulder Creek Deposit

Houston Oil and Minerals; 52 core holes, 3,463m (1979- 1981)

Historical (non 43-101 compliant) 1M lbs U308 @ 0.27% Sandstone-hosted: 3m to 6m thick

1 km long by 100 m wide; Surface to 120 m depth 2005-07 Exploration

Expenditures: ~$3.5M**; 2,217m drilled across 22 holes 0.31% o

0.867% over 2m 0.32% over 2m within 5m of 0.1647%

No new exploration during U308 bear market (since 2007)!

District Scale Expansion

Fireweed Discovery: Regional program, including first-pass drill test (5 exploratory holes, 267m) conducted on two new areas with strong airborne radiometric anomalies, and geologic settings similar to Boulder Creek deposit.

Extent of mineralized rocks on surface at Fireweed is far greater than at Boulder Creek, as is the extent and concentration of uranium in soil. 

New discovery area will be added to Company’s portfolio, consolidating district of highly prospective ground. Company’s total land package to increase 76x from 90 Ha. to 6,864 Ha.

  • Rock samples from 3 main areas spanning nearly 2km length
  • of the occurrence returned 0.14% to 0.82% U308 (confirming
  • 0.82% value obtained from rock sample collected in 2006).
  • >300 sub-angular radioactive pebbles of silica-hematite rock
  • identified from 130 mapped sites which cover an area of
  • approximately 1,800 metres long east-west by 700 metres
  • wide north-south.
  • Average radioactivity ~4,500 CPS, with 34 pebbles reading
  • >15,000 CPS.
  • Grid of 230 soil samples produced numerous anomalies which
  • overlap the area of mapped radioactive pebbles, and extends
  • >1,000 metres SW, with values of up to 145 ppm U in soil.
  • Significant Opportunity For New Discoveries
  • No new exploration or development during prolonged Uranium bear market (since 2007). Comprehensive historical geological dataset to be re-assessed against higher U308 prices. Only two regional areas have been explored across large district, both resulting in important discoveries. Significant potential for new discoveries on largely unexplored project.
  • Summer 2024 Value Drivers
  • Increase project size by 76x, to 16,960 acres, creating district scale opportunity.
  • Phase 1: Bring historical resource to NI 43-101 compliance.
  • Phase 2: Initiate comprehensive exploration program on Fireweed claims to substantiate existing findings and prioritize drill targets.
  • Phase 3: Drill already identified priority targets to expand current resource.

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