Metallis Resources
There are literally billions of dollars to be made in northern BC. That may sound a bit promotional, but it is a fact. It has been years since there has been a mining cycle and many of us are convinced that we have already entered it. It is not just me, there are experienced, smart investors and analysts who have lived through 2,3, and 4 of these cycles. They have seen it all. People like Eric Sprott, Rick Rule and Rob McEwen who have publicly announced that it is our time: our time for the mining sector to shine. I am a believer and there is no better address to be looking right now then the Golden Triangle, northwestern, BC, Canada. One company that is worth looking at not only because of its property and projects but because of the integrity of the management team and its incredible shares structure is Metallis Resources Inc. (TSX.V:MTS | OTCQB: MTLFF). We are entering the short period of time when assay results start to pour out from all the companies in this historic region. Metallis resources President and CEO, Fiore Aliperti commented at the beginning of the drill season and all the talk, plans, programs and excitement is culminating into assay season.
“This year promises to be a pivotal year for both the Kirkham Property and the Metallis team. All the data analysis from last year’s work has been completed. We are now armed with greater knowledge and now’s the time to take that data with our boots on the ground and identify this summer’s drill targets to carry us forward.” He went on to add “The success of the Golden Triangle in 2019 will be discovery driven – we plan to have Metallis front and center.”
The Golden Triangle is a historic and revered place among geologists, prospectors and rugged settlers who trudged the unforgiving terrain in hopes of riches over a 100 years ago. This is a world class region for copper, gold, silver discoveries. You can get lost in the riches made at Snip, Premier, Eskay Creek, KSM or Brucejack mines; the numbers are startling when you consider gold at USD$1,500. Most of the largest producers and boldest prospector generator investors are amassing, and accumulating positions. Companies like Seabridge, Pretium, Barrick, Newmont, Agnico Eagle Teck Resources.
Before I tell you a few things about the team, the company is focused on its 100% owned flagship property named the Kirkham Project. The project is named after Dr. Rodney Kirkham who packaged the land together. There are 30 claims on a contiguous 10,600-hectare land package, with gold, copper, silver, zinc and nickel featured on this property which hosts several mineral deposit types: Porphyry, epithermal, VMS and Shear Vein Gold. Many geologists are quick to tell me that to see the combination of systems present is a strong indication of the strength of a deposit. It is not a guarantee that there will be a deposit, but it is a strong indicator of potential. After all, at this stage of the game that is what we are doing: analyzing indicators and potentiality until the truth machine stops drilling and the tough weeks of waiting reveal the final assay results.
An incredible clean and tight share structure. For a company that has been around for 8 years it is rare to find one that has endured the horrible markets of the past years, but to do so with only 34 million shares out in 2019. In part, this is due to Fiore and other executive management foregoing salaries during these lean years to keep G&A down. Now that is what I call ‘skin in the game’ or conviction in the company and projects and its investors.
The company has attracted large investors and one notable name in Eric Sprott who came in for 2.2 million roughly two years ago. The company has kept a good stock price as well despite the devastating blow to capital markets for junior exploration. This is due to the project and the management. They have a magnificent following that believes strongly in both, as they should. The company has proven itself and is poised and ready for strong assay results this Fall. This is the time for the bold to buy their ticket to riches, and Metallis has the real estate, the rocks and the right share structure.

On June 30th Metallis announced that it had started its Field Program on the Kirkham project. Detailed mapping, trenching, soil sampling and 3D modelling have helped to define key drill targets on this 106 sq. km property. Just yesterday, on Friday September 6th Metallis announced the commencement of a 4000m drill program targeting high-grade gold at it’s Cole and Etta targets. I try not to get too heavy into geology on these pieces as many readers are not geologists but understand that, like all technical pursuits whether it is engineering, aerodynamics, surgery or other professional trust vocations. We give our trust to the credentials and past success. in life it is the quality of current and previous work, education and key past success that is evaluated. I do like to point out some of the theory that teams work on so that they can speak to their advisors, brokers or analysts to point people towards more technical information. In this case we are talking about the intersection of the Stikine Terrane and Coast Tectonic Belts of the Canadian Cordillera. This system hosts mines, discoveries and showings running from the Yukon down through to the south of BC. For Metallis and its property’s postal code, the Kirkham property lies on the western margin of the Eskay Rift with trans-tensional structures host to several metallic ore deposits in the district. It is underlain by volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Upper Triassic Stuhini Group and the Lower to Middle Jurassic Hazelton Group. These geological factors are key indicators for discoveries as postulated by Jeff Kyba, former B.C. Geological Survey District Geologist for northern B.C. According to Kyba and Nelson (2016), the contact between these two rock formations is a key geological marker for copper-gold mineralization in the Golden Triangle. Jeff Kyba was also instrumental as part of the Metallis experienced exploration team for their comprehensive 2018 program. Mr. Kyba has been tasked with pinning down the Red-Line and evaluating the numerous base and precious metal targets that occur near the Red Line. The program was put together with support from Dr. Peter Lightfoot, one of the Company’s Technical Advisers.

The above map gives you an outstanding view of the mines, and projects in this area, and as we all know the best place to look for a mine is beside a mine!
The Kirkham Property is smack bang in the middle of it all.
It is “Prime Real Estate” KSM 15km to the east, BruceJack 20Km to the east. Snip, same distance to the northwest. Not to mention Eskay Creek around 15km to the northeast. They border GGI’s Nickel Mountain project which is less than 1500m away from their project. The Hawilson Monzonite Porphyry Corridor (the main gold/copper focus) has no NSR as they purchased it back last year.
Before looking at one of the outstanding reasons why the company is structured for growth, we need to mention a couple names on the impressive management and exploration team. Fiore Aliperti has been devoted to creating the structure, maintaining its integrity and leading a sound economic strategy as well as in the purchase of the Kirkham Property. David DuPre is Vice President of Exploration Intimately involved in the discovery of the Eskay Creek mine as project manager while at Keewatin Engineering – a major Mining Consultancy that he co-founded.
Dr. Lightfoot serves as a Technical Advisor / Consultant to Metallis Resources Inc. He brings over 25 years of experience in the exploration of Nickel-sulphide deposits. As Chief Geologist with Vale Base Metals, Peter was responsible for technical aspects of the exploration programs at Sudbury, Thompson, and Voisey’s Bay. Peter received his B.A. from Oxford University in 1980, his M.Sc. degree from the University of Toronto in 1982, and his Ph.D. from the Open University in 1985. Peter is the Hutchinson Visiting Industry professor at the University of Western Ontario, and he is currently providing technical support through his company, Lightfoot Geoscience Inc., with a strong emphasis on exploration programs focused on magmatic Nickel-Copper-PGE in the Eskay Rift, Northwest BC, Canada.
One final mention about capital structure.
This cannot be overstated.

The management has done an exemplary job at keeping the structure of the company immaculate despite year after year of a mining sector decline. There is low volume on the stock simply because the company is not being promotional until there is assay and results to report. This is a great strategy because it puts every dollar into the project. It is easy to turn on a marketing program when you have good results. Those in the know will pay attention to assays and writers like myself will be typing furiously of the results. That could come at any moment. This is a result driven season. There are options and warrants out on the company adding up to roughly 39.4 million fully diluted. Perhaps a more interesting way to look at it though is market capitalization compared to their neighbors:
Garibaldi Resources: CA ~$130 Million
GT Gold Corp: CA ~$95 Million
Seabridge Gold Inc: CA ~$1 Billion
Pretium Resources Inc: CA ~$2.4 Billion
Metallis Resources market cap is roughly $18 million. There is incredible value and potential. The drill program is underway, and results are not far off.
This is the time to purchase your ticket and take a chance on a structurally sound company with incredible financials and fundamentals in the heart of a historic, mineral rich region in our own backyard.
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Securities Disclosure: I, Andrew O’Donnell, was not paid for this article.
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