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We are in a time of a great turmoil and change: politics, finance, economics, health, and social interaction are in a state of unease as international relations grow tense. Despite the increase in uncertainty there is the constant theme of finding harmony. Not just resolution within politics but more specifically harmony with nature or the environment: how can we harness resources, and the energy on this planet in the most efficient and harmonious way?

We need to reconcile our need for energy with the harm we cause to the environment and its finite resources. We need to think cleaner and greener and look to safe jurisdictions with strong regulations to provide the energy we need to fuel the electrification of the future. In order fuel the needs of our ever-growing technology and future smart 5g cities without fossil fuels we need to start thinking in terms of nuclear energy.
The idea of a world with no fossil fuels is not realistic in the present. Perhaps 25 years from now we can curb the energy consumption, but this would take monumental growth in energy technology, as well as massive adoption of nuclear power. It would require us to completely stop production, freight, and personal transportation – basically do what the covid-19 restrictions have done but with greater intensity and duration. All of this would include the discouragement of exponential growth in the third world where the vast environmental and pollution problems come from. What is realistic is engaging the world about the cleanest and safest form energy: uranium.

There is an evident increase in demand for uranium over the past few years, but the clear trend after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is clearly graphed. There is a lot to consider and unravel and we will look into all of this in our Uranium Report to come out in August but certainly the shift of interest, volume and price is a good indication that attitudes are pivoting towards this green energy. We need to look realistically at power generation and meeting the goals of the future. Right now, that means nuclear power and the chain of supply of uranium. This is a big conversation to be had but it is a necessary one. We need to become more comfortable with nuclear energy as after all it is still the safest.

This chart from Our World in Data lays out the negative impact of nuclear in regards to deaths. This clearly does not consider every factor but in pure death rates it is by far the safest energy.

Junior Market

Today we are looking at some exceptional growth opportunities away from the well-known major players of Kazatomprom, Cameco or Uranium One. For me there is a great deal more interest from projects that can leverage and build their assets right now. There is still much work to be done to educate the public about uranium and to become comfortable with the risks involved.

Anfield Energy holds 24 uranium projects in six active project areas with a database of drilling and geologic work done by Uranium One that includes 575 drill holes totalling approximately 395,000 feet of drilling. More importantly, Anfield holds the Charlie Uranium Project in Wyoming, one of the most-advanced ISR projects in the United States and the project Anfield plans to advance to production first by leveraging Uranium One’s existing infrastructure. The company closed its tranche financing back on July 8th for $1,008,292 and is taking advantage of the attention clean and green energy is getting from Congress. Anfield Energy has a 3-prong strategy to bring value to aggressive investors who understand we need to ramp up clean energy.

1) Produce uranium to leverage larger-scale, longer-term production opportunities in a higher-price uranium environment.
2) Participate in ISR (solution mining) uranium production to leverage near-term production opportunities in a lower-price uranium environment
3) Create a robust U.S.-based energy company with significant potential production upside, through both organic growth and asset acquisitions.

I am interested in potential asymmetric gains so a company like Anfield Energy sticks out as being worth taking a further look at. Over the next couple of months, we are going to be producing more content on how to power the grid, the electrification of the future and meet the impossible milestones set by bureaucrats in far off lands.

One of the greatest themes moving forward that align with energy is the notion of chain of custody or origination of the resources and materials. With the increased drive of ESG, more companies are being cautious about what regions they receive materials from. It is important to source from fair trade and safer regions. It is no longer wise to just assume China will produce everything for cheap with environmental issues and no repercussions.

The chart above does not look good. It shows the devastating effect of the mining trough we have been in for years along with the harsh decline since Fukushima Daiichi. There must be some reason to get excited….

…And there is!
The mining sector is growing, clean energy is in demand, and the price of uranium is climbing. There is interest in the sector, again. Anfield has assembled an excellent management team to deliver the 3-prong approach. They have a political environment which means reliance on US resources over other countries. They are beside existing infrastructure and processing from Uranium One. They have Low permitting risk and valuable data from Uranium One while still positioned for blue sky potential.

The stock has had a heyday in the past and like so many mining stocks has endured extreme hardship – there is asymmetric risk – the possibility of huge growth is here and at $0.06 there is limited downside. This is just a quick peak at the uranium space and the work we are going to do looking into this clean energy space. We must help to get the word out on why safe jurisdictions that are well regulated and excited about future energy are the leaders for growth. Soon we will have a large Uranium Report available to you and much more detailed analysis of the space and this company Anfield Energy.


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Securities Disclosure: I, have been remunerated for this article. I do hold shares in Anfield Energy and have been paid for media and publishing.

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