I have followed Goliath Resources (TSX.V: GOT) (OTCQB: GOTRF) (FSE: B41E) since it began trading October of 2017. My subscribers have experienced over 300% returns with GOT and the fast approaching summers exploration program, that is fully-funded could easily deliver those returns again over the next three to six months, if not a lot more. Goliath’s projects are located in the world famous Golden Triangle or as I like to call it the Golden Corridor and surrounding area of northwest British Columbia, Canada. GOT controls 100% of four precious metals properties covering over 52,000 hectares of prime gold ground. Golddigger, Bingo, Lucky Strike and Copperhead are all new discoveries due to the abatement of permanent snowpack and glacial recession from climate change that only has just now exposed virgin bedrock, that hasn’t seen daylight for around 20,000 years, in this world-class geological setting. This isn’t once in a lifetime event, or even once in a generation event, it’s a once in a civilization event and Goliath is one of those at the forefront of this opportunity.

Goliath’s flagship property is the Luckystrike property where a newly discovered Gold, Copper, Molybdenum Porphyry named Lorne Creek is located. An independent porphyry expert that is a specialist in the area discovered it. The Gold, Copper, Molybdenum grades are typical of a porphyry system, defined by 1200m x 700m alteration system. The Monzonite Porphyry centre and Au-Cu-Mo Mineralized Stockwork is outcropped at surface, located at the headwaters of Lorne Creek; the most prolific placer creek in the entire district. With historic placer production of 13,271 troy ounces of gold; the Lorne Creek Au-Cu-Mo Porphyry is believed to be the source.
Lucky Strike is 31,511 hectares; has logging road access, proximate to a major highway, power, rail and only 40 kilometres north by highway of infrastructure (i.e. rail) in Terrace, BC.

Inaugural core drilling about to commence summer of 2019

Goliath will be drilling very soon and if a brand new Gold, Copper, Molybdenum Porphyry is discovered within a stone’s throw of major infrastructure and a deep-sea port this story will truly be one to remember.
Also located on the North end of the Lucky Strike property is the newly discovered Gold Source Zone with some AMAZING Gold numbers. The Gold Source Zone is epithermal covering 1500 x 200m and open in all directions. Hydrothermal breccia sample have assayed as high as a 96.8 g/t gold (3.1 oz/t). Also a chip sample over 2 metres returned 22.3 g/t Au and 261 g/t Ag.

Now let’s turn our attention to The Golden Triangle or as I would like to call it the Golden Corridor, Goliath’s 100% controlled Golddigger property has produced an exciting new discovery named the Goldswarm Breccia Zone that extends over 450m x 150m and is within a visible alteration zone extending over 1200 by 150m. The Goldswarm Zone is within two kilometres of the unconformity between Lower Hazelton and Stuhini rocks, also known as the “Red Line” the key location where the vast majority of major deposits have been found within the Golden Triangle. 2018 sample highlights from multiple breccias outcropping at surface from the Goldswarm zone returned some staggering gold numbers; further exploration is planned in 2019 to expand on the data set.
The Goldswarm Zone is within two kilometres of the “Red Line” the key location where the vast majority of major deposits have been found within the Golden Triangle.

Golddigger property has tidewater access and is in close proximity of Stewart B.C.

I’m very excited about all of Goliath’s properties but Luckystrike and Golddigger are of particular interest to me; these are significant new discovery located in a world-class geologic setting. The results to date on both of these projects strongly confirm the tremendous untapped discovery potential remaining. Goliath controls a 100% interest in both properties that demonstrate strong potential to host significant discoveries. This has been confirmed by the interest from many senior miners, the support from several funds and accredited investors alike in North America as well as overseas. I look forward to Goliath reporting their 2019 drill results once received, compiled and interpreted; 2019 is certainly shaping up to be a very exciting exploration season for this Giant of the Stikine.
Let’s also not forget about Goliath’s project pipeline people, when your buy GOT shares you also have exposure to these prospective projects below. This is a highly esteemed team that has a number of huge discoveries and strong relationships with financiers and NYSE-listed major producers.
Goliath owns 10% of the DSM Syndicate a private precious metals project generator with a seasoned team of explorationists focused on discovery (A Project Generator’s 32 Year History). The syndicate owns 6 properties encompassing 14,101 hectares located in British Columbia. The projects with the focus for the upcoming 2019-exploration season are Goldcrest, Goldstar and Goldstandard. Goliath retains first right of refusal (R.O.F.R.) on the Goldstar and Goldcrest property. Exploration results from these three properties garnered the attention of senior miners and institutions alike. These are original discoveries and are direct result of recent abatement of permanent snow pack and glacial recession exposing vast areas on newly exposed bedrock never seen before from climate change. The quickly approaching summer of 2019 follow up exploration is fully funded.
Goldcrest property exploration 2018 exploration highlights:
- The Cadillac trend is a large gossanous zone that was expanded to 850m by 190m, (link to image) the zone remains open in all directions. Chip samples assayed up to 56.10 g/t Au, 124.00 g/t Ag, and 57.58 g/t AuEq from 1 metre chip (link to image)
Goldstar property 2018 exploration highlights:
- The newly discovered 190-metre long Goldilocks quartz vein stockwork zone and 2) the Yellow Brick Road vein discovered in 2017 that has been expanded from 90 to 170 meters long, both zones remain open in all directions. Samples assayed up to 24.55 grams per tonne gold equivalent (20.6 g/t Au, 329 g/t Ag, 0.02 % Pb) and 40.5 grams per tonne gold equivalent (29.6 g/t Au, 845 g/t Ag, 0.3 % Cu, and 0.55 % Pb) from each zone respectively.
Goldstandard property 2018 exploration highlight:
- Vein system (Goldzilla) assays up to (link to image): 110 g/t Au (3.21 oz/t), 934 g/t Ag, 121.8 g/t AuEq (Grab Sample)
- 10.8 g/t Au, 85.5 g/t Ag, 11.85 g/t AuEq (2m Chip Sample)
For further information, pictures, annotated maps and geologic reports on DSM Syndicate please visit. https://dsmsyndicate.ca/
Goliath’s price gains could produce one of the most dramatic stock charts of 2019. The stars have lined up: The sector is ready for liftoff, and North West BC hosts numerous world-class deposits. Snowfields have receded and revealed pervasive high-grade bedrock mineralization. Mother Nature is now just showing her hand, potentially revealing the game changing discovery with the drill bit we have all been waiting for in the industry. Global warming is paying dividends for Goliath.
The age-old cliché in the mineral exploration business is “we are one drill hole away from a major discovery.” Anyone can say that, but what matters is who is saying it, and do they have the rocks to back it up. In this case, the Goliath team certainly does. Consider yourselves duly informed to be ahead of the curve. From what we have seen of the Goliath projects, people and practices, we expect big money will be made on this deal. This has nothing to do with the luck of the Irish as the O’Donnell clan elders preached the harder we work the luckier we get. In other words, luck is a by-product of busting your butt. We see that same spirit in the team at Goliath Resources and eagerly look forward to the upcoming drill results. To learn more, visit the company’s web assets at goliathresources.com
Do not miss getting Ahead of the Curve. This is the time, this is the second pick of my 2019 summer breakout series and get ready to hear more about this amazing opportunity.
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Securities Disclosure: I, Andrew O’Donnell, hold no direct investment interest in any company mentioned in this article. I was not paid for this article.
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